The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Testing and analytical services

The National Measurement Institute offers an extensive range of testing and analytical services.

Quality testing

The National Measurement Institute is Australia’s peak measurement body. We:

  • offer a comprehensive range of professional, impartial and high quality measurement services, including specialised and crisis response testing
  • are a trusted service provider to government, industry and academia, supporting major strategic programs and industry-led research
  • partner with leading organisations locally and internationally
  • deliver measurement that is meaningful, impactful and at the forefront of measurement science.

We have a strong commitment to quality. Our laboratories hold a range of certifications and accreditations.

Industry sectors

Environmental testing and analytical services

National Measurement Institute (NMI) offers testing, certification and accreditation. We lead metrology in many important areas, from per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) to micro-plastics in water.

Food sector measurement capabilities

National Measurement Institute offers testing, certification and accreditation. We cover services including for compliance, reference materials, allergen and Nanometrology.

Health sector measurement capabilities

Our pharmaceutical analysis services help Australian manufacturers meet regulatory and quality requirements.

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